Why is Enterprise Resource Planning necessary for your business?
Before we start with today’s blog on why Enterprise resource planning is necessary for your business, we’d like to welcome all our blog subscribers and all business owners who’d like to learn the benefits of ERP. For those who’ve stumbled on this blog on google and are wondering what is Membroz all about and what does it stand for, check out our Acquire, Engage and Grow blog to understand more of what we do . Let’s hop on the lesson train to understand Enterprise Resource Planning. Definition of ERP In layman’s term, your business, an enterprise is planning and managing its resources using a system or a software. A more in-depth definition of Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP software is that it is used to connect, communicate and analyze all aspects of your business under one roof. Everything from managing your projects, customers, finances falls under ERP software. ERP software is used to automate all your business activities. ERP software is beneficial for service industries ...